Natural medicine
Dr. Leon has gone through two years of post graduate clinical nutrition and 3 more years of a post graduate diplomate to become a chiropractic internist. As a chiropractic internist, Dr. Leon can treat most health issues (diabetes, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, etc) with pharmaceutical grade supplements (neutraceuticals) and life style modifications in a safe and natural way.
Chiropractic internist is a distinct and comprehensive system of health care that combines a variety of natural medicines and treatments with conventional medical diagnostics and standards.
Chiropractic internist Doctors seek to restore health and promote wellness using the safest, most effective and least invasive therapies available.
Chiropractic Internists understand how the organs work together. Through a thorough patient history and detailed testing a Chiropractic Internist can change the course of your future health. We focus on the whole body and the relationship among body systems. And most importantly we focus on the cause of the problem, the root and not only the symptoms. In this way not only the symptoms get better or go away, but future complications are avoided or minimized.
Disease and illness never happen over night. Pain, fever and other symptoms are how our bodies tell us something is wrong. Covering up the symptoms with drugs and pain medications only compounds the problem, and puts off an inevitable diagnosis. The concern with putting off the diagnosis is; the longer a chronic illness is present, the more acute it becomes! It is much easier and less expensive to treat a chronic condition than it is to wait until immediate and surgical actions are the only options. For example; removing your gall bladder may seem like the only way to get rid of those painful attacks that happen when you eat a fatty meal, but in most cases proper gall bladder function can be resumed with some dietary changes and natural supplementation. This option is rarely discussed through allopathic methods. As a matter of fact; most gall bladder complaints are put off until surgery seems like the only option.